Tuesday, May 10, 2011

To Live - Movie Reflection

      Part 1/2
   In the Movie To Live, if you didn't know the background information during the time period, not much could be understood, by me that is.  It was crucial to realize that all this was during the time of the civil war between the communists and nationalists of China. When the main character was captured by Chinese, it was quite confusing for he was just entertaining them the day earlier. After reading and understanding the history, it all became much clearer. Later on in the movie, when the nationalists had been defeated and Mao Zedong was in power, the Chinese peasants began killing landlords and mainly any rich person. At this point was also very important to know that all this happened under the 'speak bitterness' campaign which caused them to show such animosity at a time of unification. Also, when all the people began creating backyard furnaces, it was also unclear why all the metal needed to be taken and wasted until I read the chapters. I've realized that to understand many Chinese movies based on history, some background information always needs to be known.

      Part 3
   During the cultural Revolution, in the movie To Live, it was quite clear that Mao Zedong was worshipped, and if I had no background information whatsoever, I would've probably thought he was a God. When Mao was painted on the family's wall during the movie and was included even in the wedding picture, it could be related to the worshipping of Jesus. Both are significant figures which were worshipped and studied about throughout the day and both were sung praises to. During the end of the movie (spoiler alert), when the the main character's wife goes through labour and ends up dying, it was much surprise to me that all doctors were removed; it was obviously not planned properly. The book titled China Since 1900, explained that communist culture was put before education, closing colleges and schools to study about the governments ideas. Although Mao's rule was very effective economically, because of his ideal word of one class, removing the educated, especially doctors, was not thought through, resulting in probably many deaths throughout China.

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